We've a Placement network of 100+ recruiters
Over the years, we have successfully trained 3,000+ students, with 98% positive feedback.
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Past Students

What our Past Candidates have to say
Read on to know what our students have experienced, along with their Linkedin Profiles.

Karan Athwani
Position : Assistant Manager
Company : Zerodha
It’s a great start for Finance enthusiast as the teacher Yash Jain has his concepts clear and provides detailed information about all the topics.
Anmol Sir on the other hand works really hard for your Placements and keeps you and your employment updated on a daily basis.

Bhumika Sadana
Position : Investment Banking Associate
Company : Acuity Knowledge Partners
QuintEdge was instrumental in my journey to becoming an Investment Banking Associate, providing not just exceptional educational content but also robust placement support tailored for women like myself. I am immensely grateful for their efforts in not just securing a placement for me but in fostering a nurturing environment that has been pivotal in shaping my career.

Mousam Bhawsar
Position : Credit Manager
Company : Yes Bank
I am Chartered Accountant working as a Credit Manager with Yes Bank in Home Loan segment. I am very much thankful to Mr. Yash for teaching me the complex valuation techniques in an utterly simplified manner. Their program is highly structured, and the learnings are delivered step by step, which makes it easier for even a beginner to understand.