ACCA Financial Reporting: Exam Format, Structure & Pass Percentage

The ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is like a training program that helps you become a professional accountant. One of the important lessons you need to learn in this program is called Financial Reporting, or FR for short. This lesson is also known as F7.

Financial Reporting (FR) is like procedure of learning the ABCs of business – numbers and money. Every business entity, be it a company or an organization all over the world need to keep track of their money to know it has at its disposal.. They use special rules called International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to make sure their reports are clear and understandable.

By studying Financial Reporting (FR), you learn how to prepare these important reports, understand what the numbers mean, and make smart decisions based on them. It’s a crucial part of becoming a skilled accountant, and it helps you understand the financial health of any business. This is why the FR exam is a key part of the ACCA qualification.

What is ACCA?

ACCA is a globally recognized professional accounting body that offers one of the most sought-after qualifications in accounting and finance. It equips professionals with skills in financial management, taxation, auditing, and leadership, enabling them to work in diverse roles across industries. With ACCA certification, you can work in over 180 countries, making it a powerful asset for those looking to build an international career.

To understand more about the ACCA course in detail, read- All About the ACCA Course

What is ACCA Financial Reporting (F7)?

The Financial Reporting exam or the ACCA FR (F7) exam is one of the exams that are part of the ACCA qualification. It’s designed to teach you how to prepare and understand financial reports, which are essential for any business. Here’s what it’s all about:

Financial Reporting (FR) Explained

  • Purpose: Financial Reporting (FR) teaches you how to prepare and understand financial reports, which are like detailed scorecards showing how well a business is doing with its money.
  • Key Skills: You learn to create these scorecards using international rules called IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). These rules help make sure everyone understands the financial information in the same way, no matter where they are in the world.
  • Analyzing Numbers: Besides making the reports, you also learn to analyze them. This means looking at the numbers to find out what they say about the business’s health.

How FR (F7) Fits into ACCA?

  • Part of a Bigger Picture: ACCA is a big qualification with several exams. FR (F7) is one of these important exams that helps you get closer to becoming a qualified accountant.
  • Building Blocks: The skills you learn in FR (F7) are essential for understanding other parts of accounting and finance. It’s like learning basic math before moving on to more complex problems.

Syllabus Overview

The syllabus for the ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting exam covers several important areas. Consider it as an index that determines the path you should follow when studying certain topics. Here’s an easy-to-understand breakdown of what you’ll study:

Conceptual Framework and Regulatory Environment

  • Conceptual Framework: This is like the rulebook for how financial reports should be made. It helps ensure that financial information is clear, reliable, and comparable across different companies.
  • Regulatory Environment: This section teaches you about the organizations and rules that oversee how financial reporting is done. The main focus is on IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), which are the global rules for financial reporting.

Accounting for Transactions in Financial Statements

  • Revenue Recognition: Learn how and when a company should record the money it earns from selling goods or services.
  • Leases: Understand how companies account for leases, which are agreements to use property or equipment for a period of time.
  • Financial Instruments: This includes things like stocks and bonds. You’ll learn how to recognize, measure, and present these in financial reports.

Preparation of Financial Statements

  • Statements of Financial Position: Also known as the balance sheet, this shows what a company owns (assets) and owes (liabilities) at a specific point in time.
  • Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income: These show how much money a company made or lost over a period of time, including other gains and losses not included in the profit or loss.

Analyzing and Interpreting Financial Statements

  • Ratio Analysis: This is like using different math formulas to understand what the numbers in financial reports mean. Ratios can tell you about a company’s profitability, liquidity, and efficiency.
  • Performance Measurement: Learn how to assess a company’s performance using different metrics and comparisons.

Current Issues in FR

  • Emerging Trends and Challenges: This section keeps you updated on the latest developments and challenges in financial reporting. It’s about understanding how the field is evolving.
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Exam Format and Structure

The ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting exam is structured to test your knowledge and skills in financial reporting. Here’s an easy-to-understand breakdown of how the exam is organized:

Sections of the Exam

The exam is divided into three sections: Section A, Section B, and Section C. Each section has different types of questions that test different skills.

Section A: Objective Test Questions (OTQs)15 multiple-choice questionsEach question is worth 2 marks, totaling 30 marks for this sectionCovers a wide range of topics from the syllabus, testing your basic understanding and knowledge
Section B: Case-Based Questions3 case scenarios, each with 5 multiple-choice questions related to the scenarioEach of the 15 questions is worth 2 marks, totaling 30 marks for this sectionBased on short case studies, testing your ability to apply your knowledge to practical situations
Section C: Constructed Response Questions2 long questions requiring detailed written answers and calculationsEach question is worth 20 marks, totaling 40 marks for this sectionMore complex questions requiring you to demonstrate your deeper understanding and ability to prepare and analyze financial statements

Time Management Tips

Total Exam Time: You have 3 hours to complete the exam, plus 15 minutes of reading time.

Suggested Time Allocation:

  • Section A: Spend about 27 minutes on this section.
  • Section B: Spend about 54 minutes on this section.
  • Section C: Spend about 81 minutes on this section.


  • Practice: Practice past exam papers under timed conditions to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Plan Your Answers: For Section C, plan your answers before you start writing to ensure you cover all points and stay organized.

Marking Scheme and Maximizing Marks

Understand the Requirements: Read each question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked.

Show Your Work: Especially in Section C, show all your calculations and workings. Even if your final answer is wrong, you can still earn marks for correct methods and steps.

Be Clear and Concise: Write clearly and stick to the point. Avoid adding unnecessary information that doesn’t answer the question.

Review Your Answers: If you have time at the end, review your answers to check for any mistakes or missed points.

Pass Percentage

The pass percentage for the ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting exam in June 2024 was 51%. This indicates that over half of the candidates met the required standards, emphasizing the need for solid understanding, effective study habits, and thorough preparation.

Common Challenges in Financial Reporting and How to Overcome Them

Preparing for the ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting exam can be tough, but understanding the common challenges and knowing how to tackle them can make it easier. Some of the difficulties you might face and tips on how to overcome them are:

Understanding Complex IFRS Standards


IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) can be complicated and hard to remember.

How to Overcome:

  • Break It Down: Take each standard one step at a time. Break it into smaller parts and focus on understanding each part before moving on.
  • Use Summaries and Flashcards: Create summaries or flashcards with key points for each IFRS. This makes it easier to review and remember the important details.
  • Practical Examples: Look at real-world examples of how these standards are applied. This can help you see how they work in practice and make them easier to understand.

Managing Time Effectively During the Exam


The exam is time-limited, and managing your time well is crucial to complete all questions.

How to Overcome:

  • Practice Under Timed Conditions: When you practice past papers, time yourself to get used to the pace you need to maintain during the actual exam.
  • Plan Your Time: Before starting each section, quickly plan how much time you will spend on each question. Stick to this plan as closely as possible.
  • Move On If Stuck: If you’re stuck on a question, move on to the next one and come back to it if you have time at the end. It’s better to attempt all questions than to spend too much time on one

Practical Applications of Financial Reporting (F7) Knowledge

The knowledge and skills you gain from studying for the ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting exam are not just for passing the test – they are incredibly useful in real-world situations. You can apply what you learn in everyday business and finance scenarios:

Preparing Financial Statements

  • For Businesses: These financial statements are essential for businesses to keep track of their financial health. They show what the business owns, what it owes, how much money it made, and how much money it spent.
  • For Investors and Creditors: Investors and creditors use these statements to decide if they want to invest in or lend money to the business. Accurate financial statements help them make informed decisions.

Analyzing Financial Performance

  • For Managers: Managers use these techniques to understand how well the business is performing. They can see if the business is making enough profit, how efficiently it’s using its resources, and how well it can pay its debts.
  • For Strategic Planning: Analysis helps in making strategic decisions, like where to cut costs, which products to focus on, and how to improve financial health.

Ensuring Compliance with Standards

  • For Global Businesses: Many companies operate internationally and need to comply with global standards. Using IFRS ensures their financial reports are consistent and comparable with other companies around the world.
  • For Auditors: Auditors use these standards to check if the company’s financial statements are accurate and comply with regulations. This is crucial for maintaining transparency and trust with investors and regulators.

Making Informed Decisions

  • For Business Leaders: Leaders use financial reports to make decisions about expanding the business, launching new products, or entering new markets. They rely on accurate financial information to minimize risks and maximize profits.
  • For Financial Advisors: Financial advisors use this knowledge to guide their clients, whether they are individuals planning their investments or businesses planning their growth strategies.

Enhancing Career Opportunities

  • For Career Growth: The skills you learn in FR (F7) are highly valued in many roles, such as financial accountant, auditor, financial analyst, and management accountant. This knowledge opens up various career opportunities in different industries.
  • For Professional Development: Having strong financial reporting skills can lead to promotions and increased responsibilities in your job. It shows that you have the expertise to handle complex financial information and make strategic business decisions.


The ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting is one of the significant steps to achieve proficiency in the field of accounting and financial discipline. It provides essential skills for preparation of financial statements and analysis for use IFRS, which enhances the quality of financial reports.

Mastering IFRS enhances your global utility as a financial accountant, auditor, or analyst of various organizations. Indeed, perhaps the most crucial factor for success is consistency of study, together with the use of texts, and other resources such as past papers in preparing for the exam. Get assistance where necessary and have a positive attitude to deal with difficulties.

All in all, the FR (F7) exam offer one of the satisfying, and rewarding career in accounting and finance. With thorough preparation and commitment, you can pass this exam and unlock numerous professional opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the ACCA FR (F7) Financial Reporting exam?

The FR (F7) exam tests your ability to prepare and interpret financial statements according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS).

2. How can I prepare for the FR (F7) exam?

Maintain a consistent study routine, use textbooks and online courses, and practice past exam papers regularly.

3. What are the key topics covered in the FR (F7) syllabus?

The syllabus includes the conceptual framework, accounting for transactions, preparation of financial statements, analysis and interpretation, and current issues in financial reporting.

4. Why is IFRS important for the FR (F7) exam?

IFRS ensures that financial reports are clear, comparable, and consistent globally, which is essential for transparent financial reporting.

5. What career opportunities are available after passing the FR (F7) exam?

Passing the FR (F7) exam can lead to roles such as financial accountant, auditor, and financial analyst in various industries worldwide.

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